
  • Buttons

    [ button url="" title="Go to website" target="_blank" classes="" ]

    Display a normal button or modal button on the page


    url - Link of the button. Defaults to "". (optional if data_open has value). URL value will be disregarded if data_open is set

    title - Text that will display on the button. Default text to display are View|Email|Phone  depending on the link entered. (optional).

    target - Browser Tab where the link will open.  Values that can be use are _blank|_self|_parent|_top . (optional).

    data_open - This open a modal element on the page. When this attribute is set, URL attribute will be ignored. (optional if url is set). Value must be the modal element row number - 1. Example data_open="0" which will open the first Modal Element set on Site Settings

    classes - Toggle class or classes to the button. (optional). Value must be comma separated if there is more than one

    [ loadmore label="Load More" listing_selector="#blog-section .section-body" initial_items="8" items_to_show="4"]

    Display a load more button on the page that can be use to control the targeted listing element.


    label - Text that will display on the button. Default text to display is "Load More". (optional).

    listing_selector - CSS selector to target the listing body container that contain the listing items. Defaults to "".

    initial_items - The initial numbers of item to show on the listing once the the listing element is loaded on the page. (Required).

    items_to_show - The number of items to show when Load More button is clicked. (Required).

    [ print_post target_selector=".post-element" class="" ]Print Page[/print_post]

    Display a print link or button on the page that prints the target container.


    target_selector - CSS selector to target the container that you want print. Defaults to ".main-content .page-elements"

    classes - Add class to the link tag. Defaults to "". (optional).


    The text to display on the link, Default content is "Print" if leaved empty

  • Contact Information

    [ contact_info data="address,phone,email" disable_html="no" separator="\n" ]

    Display the basic contact information entered under the Site Settings. This shows Address, Phone, and Email respectively by Default.


    data - The contact information to display. You can arrange the order of the information by changing the order of the information on this attribute. Defaults to "address,phone,email". (Optional). Values must be comma separated contact information company, tagline, address, phone, email, and abn

    disable_html - Display the information without html tags and container. Defaults to "0". (optional). Value must be the yes or no

    separator - Character to display between each contact information. This fields only works when html display is disabled. Defaults to ", ". (optional).  Value must be text string or use \n to display in the information in separate line.

    custom - Display custom contact information content. This will overlook site settings social media and use the specified contact information attributes value as the new content. Defaults to "off". (optional). Value must be on or off.

    phone - This is the custom phone number content. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional).

    email - This is the custom email address content. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional).

    website - This is the custom website URL content. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional).

    address - This is the custom location address. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional).

    address_link - This is the custom address url  content. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional).

    company - This is the custom contact company name. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional).

    tagline - This is the custom company tagline content. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional).

    abn - This is the custom company abn number content. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional).

  • Content Boxes

    [ content_box title="Hello World" image="" button="data_open:0,title:Open Modal" model="article"]This is the content blurb[/content_box ]

    Display a standard hicbox structured content similar to what is used on content boxes element.


    title - The title of the content box. Defaults to "".

    image - The image to show on the content box. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be the image url

    gallery - Images to show as gallery slider. Defaults to "". (optional).  Values must be comma separated image url

    video - The video to show on the content box. Defaults to "". (optional if url is set). Value must be the video url

    button - Button to show. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be a comma separated button attribute:value. Valid Button attributes are title, url, data_open, and target

    model - The content box model to use, allowing the to change the content box structure based on the model. Defaults to "cbox". (optional). Value must be cbox, article, and testimonial

  • Filter

    [ button_filter label="Filter:" listing_selector="#design-type .section-body" filters=".classic:Classic,.modern:Modern,.luxury:Luxury" exclude_all="false" loadmore="Show more,8,4" ]

    Display a custom button filter on the page to filter element items like content box, project-listing, property-listing etc.


    label - Button filter group label "". (optional). Defaults to "". Leave this empty to not display any label for the button filter group

    listing_selector - CSS selector to target the listing body container that contain the listing items. Defaults to "".

    filters - This is the list of filter button that will display on the filter group. Defaults to "". Values must be a comma separated item selector:Button Label format. Example: .classic:Classic,.modern:Modern,.luxury:Luxury. This will generate three buttons (Classic, Modern, and Luxury). If Classis is click, it will filter items that have class name classic

    exclude_all - To remove the *:All button on the filter group. The filter group adds the All button by default. To remove this, add this attribute with true as value. (Optional).

    loadmore - This is the loadmore settings. This attribute can contain 3 value for label, default number of item to load by default when page is loaded, and number of items to load when loadmore button is clicked. You can leave this empty to disable the loadmore button. (Optional). Value must be a comma separated label,number_of_item_to_load_on_load,number_of_item_to_load_on_click. Example: Show more,8,4. You can leave the 2nd and 3rd value empty. The Default value is 12 and 4 respectively.

    [ advanced_search_form pageid="360" button_label="Search Product" widget="1" widget_title="Quick Search" active="1" ][/advanced_search_form]

    Display an advanced search filter form similar to CPT Archive Search filter but have more functionality. This shortcode requires search_form_field shortcode to display a field.


    pageid - The page id where the search form values will be pass on. Defaults to "". (Optional). If leave empty, the search filter form fields values will be passed to home page instead.

    button_label - The text will show on the search form button. Defaults to "Search". (optional).

    widget - Display the information with widget container. Defaults to "1". (optional). Value must be the “1” or “0”. Use this if you want to display this as widget on the sidebar.

    widget_title - Display a sidebar alternative widget title. This attribute is best to use on sidebar widget that might not have menu to display. This attribute can only be used when widget value is 1. Defaults to "". (optional).

    widget_class - Add a class to widget container. Defaults to "". (Optional)

    active - Enable or Disable the search filter. This will hide the the search filter on the front end. Defaults to "1". (Optional).


    Use search_form_field as content of the shortcode.

    [ search_form_field name="categories" placeholder="Categories" type="select" choices_type="taxonomy" choices="product_cat" ]

    Display an advanced search filter form field. This shortcode requires advanced_search_form shortcode to be displayed.


    name - The name of the field. Defaults to "s". (Optional).

    placeholder - The text to show as placeholder of the field. Defaults to "Search". (optional).

    type - Type of field to diplay. Defaults to "text". (optional). Value must be text | select | radio | checkbox. We will add more in the future.

    choices_type - Define the type of choices to display. This options requires select, radio, or checkbox as field field type.  Defaults to "", (optional). Value must be defined|taxonomy|option_field|post.
    Note: defined is not tested yet and will not work at the moment. This value means you will have to defined the values to show on the field on choices attribute.

    choices - Define the choices to be display on the field. Defaults to "". (Optional). Value must be aligned to choices_type.


    1. choices_type="taxonomy" choices="product_cat" - this will display product category as choices. choices value must a be a valid taxonomy like product_tag
      2.choices_type="option_field" choices="product_file_type_options:file_type" - this will display product file type defined on Product Settings. You need to defined field name of the options.
    2. choices_type="post" choices="location" - this will display all location post title on the field.

    populate - Make a select field populate value based on the selected value of another field. This options is tested only for taxonomy. Defaults to "". (Optional). Value must be 1 or 0

    include_children - Only use this if choices_type="taxonomy". This will display list of taxonomy entry including it's children. Defaults to "0". (Optional). Value must be 1 or 0

    child_level - Only use this if choices_type="taxonomy" and include_child=1. This will display list of taxonomy entry including it's children but will ignore entry of the lower level. Defaults to "1". (Optional). Value must be 0 or higher depending on the available level of the taxonomy entry.

    Category 1
    -- Cat 1 Sub 1
    -- Cat 2 Sub 2
    Category 2
    Category 3
    -- Cat 3 Sub 1
    -- Cat 3 Sub 2

    if child_level=1 this will ignore level 0 which are the main categories. So the choices that will be generated are Cat 1 Sub 1, Cat 1 Sub 2, Cat 3 Sub 1 and Cat 3 Sub 2.

    parameter - This is required field if populate property is enabled. This is the name of the another field that the populated field value will be based on . Defaults to "". (Optional but Required if populate is true). Value must a the name of another field.

    [ search_form_field name="categories" type="select" choices_type="taxonomy" choices="product_cat" placeholder="Categories" ]
    [ search_form_field name="sub_categories" type="select" choices_type="taxonomy" choices="product_cat" placeholder="Sub Categories" include_children=1 populate=1 parameter="categories" ]

    In this example. The sub_categories field options will be based on the selected value from categories field

    class - Add a class to the field.

  • Global Element

    [ global_element id="1" ]

    Display a global element on the page


    id - The id number of the global element. Defaults to 1. (optional).

  • Listings

    Note: Listing shortcodes requires Hicaliber Directory Listing plugin to be installed on Hicaliber Theme V3 platform before you can use any of the following shortcode:

    [ compare_shortcut ]

    Display Compare floating icon widget on the page. Please note that compare must be enabled and configured as visible on Listing Settings.

    [ compare ]

    Display the listing item saved for comparison.

    [ listing_contact data="avatar,name,phone,email" disable_html="0" separator="\n" widget="0" widget_title="Enquire" box="0" display_condition="hide:phone==''" ]

    Display the basic contact information entered on listing details. This shows contact person avatar, contact person name, phone, and email respectively by Default.


    data - The contact information to display. You can arrange the order of the information by changing the order of the information on this attribute. Defaults to "avatar,name,phone,email". (Optional). Values must be comma separated contact information avatar, name, position, phone, and email, form.


    • avatar will not show when html is disabled or box is disabled.
    • phone will not show if Enquiry Option on the listing detail is set to email only.
    • email will not show if Enquiry Option on the listing detail is set to phone only.
    • form will not show if no Enquiry Form is selected on the Listing Enquiry Settings or no email is set on the listing details. The form will forcibly show if Force Form Display is enable.

    disable_html - Display the information without html tags and container. Defaults to "0". (optional). Value must be the "1" or "0"

    separator - Character to display between each contact information. This fields only works when html display is disabled. Defaults to ", ". (optional).  Value must be text string or use \n to display in the information in separate line.

    box - Use content box html structure to display the contact information. Defaults to “0”. (optional). Value must be "1" or "0".

    widget - Display the information with widget container. Defaults to "1". (optional). Value must be the "1" or "0". Use this if you want to display a contact information widget on the sidebar.

    widget_title - Display a sidebar alternative widget title. This attribute is best to use on sidebar widget that might not have contact information to display. This attribute can only be used when widget value is 1. Defaults to "". (optional).

    widget_classes - Add classes to sidebar widget. This attribute can only be used when widget value is 1. Defaults to "". (optional).

    display_condition - Conditionally display the whole contact information of the listing if a condition is met. This attribute is best to use on sidebar widget that might not have the main contact information details. A good example is if there is only contact name to display and nothing else, it would be best to hide this information if no phone or email to display. Defaults to "0". (optional). Value must be on show|hide:name|phone|email|position|avatar !=|== value format. Example:display_condition="hide:email==''" - This will hide the whole contact details if the email value is an empty string

  • Locations

    [ location_map category="23" ids="12,13" ]

    Shows location map, displaying all location on a single map.


    category - The location category id to return specific location by category. Defaults to "". (optional).
    ids - Location post ID to return specific location by ID. Defaults to "". (optional).

    [ location_detail id="" data="title" first_word_only="false" prepend="Title: " append="..." ]

    Display specific location detail. If this shortcode is used on location single page or location post single page, you can omit id parameter to load the page location detail based on the page id for location single page and on Link to location field value on Location Post single page.


    id - The id of the location were the data will be pulled from. (optional). Value must be a valid location page id. This can be omitted if used on location, location pages and post.

    data - data or details to display. Defaults to "title". (optional). Value must be title, phone, email, company-number, website, address, or opening-hours.

    first_word_only - Show only the first word of the data. Defaults to “false”. (optional). This attribute won't take effect when displaying HTML format data like opening-hours

    append - Text to add on the end of the data. Defaults to “”. (optional).

    prepend - Text to add on the beginning of the data. Defaults to “”. (optional).

    [ location_contact data="avatar,name,position,phone,email" disable_html="0" separator="\n" widget="0" widget_title="Enquire"]

    Display the basic contact information entered on location details. This shows contact person avatar, contact person name, contact person position, phone, and email respectively by Default.


    data - The contact information to display. You can arrange the order of the information by changing the order of the information on this attribute. Defaults to "avatar,name,position,phone,email". (Optional). Values must be comma separated contact information avatar, name, position, phone, and email. Note: avatar will not show when html is disabled

    disable_html - Display the information without html tags and container. Defaults to "0". (optional). Value must be the "1" or "0"

    separator - Character to display between each contact information. This fields only works when html display is disabled. Defaults to ", ". (optional).  Value must be text string or use \n to display in the information in separate line

    widget - Display the information with widget container. Defaults to "1". (optional). Value must be the "1" or "0". Use this if you want to display a contact information widget on the sidebar.

    widget_title - Display a sidebar alternative widget title. This attribute is best to use on sidebar widget that might not have contact information to display. This attribute can only be used when widget value is 1. Defaults to "". (optional).

    [ location_social_media id="33" iconset="1" ]

    Display the location social media links entered.


    id - The id of the location were the data will be pulled from. (optional). Value must be a valid location page id. This can be omitted if used on location, location pages and post.

    iconset - Display the social media link with different icon set. Defaults to 1. (optional). Values from 1-3.

    [ recent_location_posts_hero ]

    Display a custom hero section containing the most recent location post detail and image. This can can only be used Location Franchisee pages, and posts.

    [ recent_location_posts display="image-above-content" theme="grey-section" meta="date,category"]

    Display Location Post Listing Section. This can only be used on Location Franchisee pages, and posts

    Layout Parameters

    display - The layout display class. Defaults to content-only. (Optional). Value must be content-only, image-above-content, image-overlay-content, image-left-content split-25-75, image-left-content split-40-60, image-left-content split-50-50, image-left-content split-60-40, image-right-content split-25-75, image-right-content split-60-40, image-right-content split-50-50, image-right-content split-40-60, image-left-content then-right split-50-50, image-right-content then-left split-50-50.

    layout - The layout type class. Defaults to grid. (optional). Value must be grid, carousel.

    grid_layout - The grid layout type class. Add this if layout type is grid. Defaults to default-grid-layout. (optional). Value must be default-grid-layout, grid-layout-1, grid-layout-2, grid-layout-3.

    per_row - The number of column per row. Defaults to 3. (optional). Value must be from 1 - 6.

    autoplay - Enable carousel autoplay. Only use this if layout type is carousel. Defaults to false. (optional). Value must be false or true.

    Heading Parameters

    heading - Text to display as Section Heading. Defaults to "". (Optional).

    sub_heading - Text to display as Section Sub Heading. Defaults to "". (Optional).

    Content Options Parameters

    meta - Meta Details to display on the listing. Defaults to date,author,category. (Optional). Value must be a comma separated date, author, category.

    limit - The maximum number of post to show. Defaults to -1. (Optional). Value must be from -1 and above.

    exclude_first - Exclude the first post on the result. Defaults to false. (Optional). Value must be false or true.

    order - Arrange the order of the listing by title or date. Defaults to date. (Optional). Value must be date or title.

    orderby - Arrange the order of the listing by ascending or descending. Defaults to DESC. (Optional). Value must be DESC or ASC.

    button_text - The text to appear on each post listing button. Defaults to Read more. (Optional).

    Design Parameters

    element_width - The section grid container width. Defaults to default-width. (Optional). Value must be default-width, small-container, medium-container, large-container, row-fluid.

    alignment - Section text alignment. Defaults to default-alignment. (optional). Value must be default-alignment, text-left, text-right, text-center, text-justify.

    theme - The section background theme colour. Defaults to default-section. (optional). Value must be default-section, grey-section, dark-section, theme-section, second-theme-section.

    background - Background image of the listing section. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be the image url.

    classes - Add custom class to the section. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be a valid css class helper.

    id - Add ID to the listing section. Defaults to "". (optional).

  • Menu

    [ menu theme_location="main-nav" name="Main Menu" class="vertical medium-horizontal" type="accordion medium-dropdown" widget="0" widget_title="Dashboard" ]

    Display a menu anywhere on the page.


    theme_location - The name of the menu display location to show on the page. This also serves as the fallback menu if name attribute returns nothing. Defaults to "main-nav". (Optional). Values you can use are main-nav, location-menu, footer-links, footer-links-2, footer-links-3, footer-links-4, mobile-menu, top-menu, and false

    name - The name of the menu you want to display. You can use any menu (Attached or not attached to a theme location). Defaults to "". (Optional). Value must be the exact name entered when creating the menu. Example: Landing Page Menu

    class - Defined menu helper class to show the menu horizontally or vertically. Custom helper class can also be added here. Defaults to "vertical medium-horizontal". (optional). Values you can use are vertical, and horizontal. Prepend medium- or large- to control the responsive. Example medium-horizontal

    type - Defined menu type to show on the page. Defaults to "accordion medium-dropdown". (optional). Values you can use are accordion, dropdown, and drilldown. Prepend medium- or large- to control the responsive. Example medium-dropdown

    widget - Display the information with widget container. Defaults to "1". (optional). Value must be the "1" or "0". Use this if you want to display a menu widget on the sidebar.

    widget_title - Display a sidebar alternative widget title. This attribute is best to use on sidebar widget that might not have menu to display. This attribute can only be used when widget value is 1. Defaults to "". (optional).

    [ child-menu id="main-nav" widget="0" widget_title="Dashboard" ]

    Display a page child menu anywhere on the page.


    id - ID of the page that you want to display the child page menu. Defaults to "". (optional). You can leave this empty to display the current page child menu.

    widget - Display the menu with sidebar widget container. Defaults to "1". (optional). Value must be the "1" or "0". Use this if you want to display a menu widget on the sidebar.

    widget_title - Display a sidebar alternative widget title. This attribute is best to use on sidebar widget that might not have menu to display. This attribute can only be used when widget value is 1. Defaults to "". (optional).

    [ breadcrumbs ]

    Display breadcrumbs menu on the page.

  • Posts

    [ recent_posts type="post" limit="5" show_image="true" featured="false" orderby="date" order="DESC" box="false" categories="1"]

    List post on the page. This shortcode is mostly used on sidebar widget but can also be use anywhere on the page.


    type - The post type to display. Defaults to "post". (optional).

    limit - The number of post to display. Defaults to 5. (optional).

    show_image - Show or hide image. Defaults to true. (optional).

    featured - Show featured post. Defaults to false. (optional).

    orderby - Field to order into. Defaults to date. (optional).

    order - Order of the listing. Defaults to DESC. (optional). Value must be ASC | DESC

    box - Use content box display. Defaults to "false". (optional). Value must be true or false

    button_text - Only usable when box is enable. This will be the text that will show on the button of the content box. Defaults to "Read more". (optional). Value must be string only.

    result_to_show - Select or specify the result to show. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be a comman seperated number from 1 up to the limit value.

    categories - Specify the category. Default to "" (optional). Value must be the category ID.

    date_format - Format the date to display. (optional). Defaults will be based on what is set on WordPress Settings. Please refer to WordPress Formatting Date and Time Documentation for more information.

    [ post_select_field type="post" label="Post" placeholder="Select" category="news,events" ]

    Display a select field, listing the names of all post depending on the set post type


    type - The post type to display. Defaults to "post". (optional).

    label - Text to display as label of the select field. Defaults to ''. (optional).

    placeholder - Text to display as placeholder. Defaults to "Select Option". (optional).

    category - Show only the post by the specified category. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be category slug

    [ post_id ]

    Can be use to display any post or page id on the page.

    [ post_title id="123" first_word_only="false" prepend="Title: " append="..." ]

    Can be use to display any post or page title on the page.


    id - ID of the post or page that you want to display. Defaults to "". (optional). If ID is empty, this will display the page/post title where this shortcode is used.

    first_word_only - Show only the first word of the title. Defaults to "false". (optional).

    append - Text to add on the end of the title. Defaults to "". (optional).

    prepend – Text to add on the beginning of the title. Defaults to “”. (optional).

    [ post_description id="123" ]

    Can be use to display any post or page description on the page.


    id - ID of the post or page that you want to display. Defaults to "". (optional). If ID is empty, this will display the page/post description where this shortcode is used.

    [ post_excerpt id="123" ]

    Can be use to display any post or page excerpt on the page.


    id - ID of the post or page that you want to display. Defaults to "". (optional). If ID is empty, this will display the page/post description where this shortcode is used.

    [ post_published_date id="123" date_format="F j, Y"]

    Can be use to display any post or page published date on the page.


    id - ID of the post or page that you want to display. Defaults to "". (optional). If ID is empty, this will display the page/post description where this shortcode is used.

    date_format - Format the date to display. (optional). Defaults will be based on what is set on WordPress Settings. Please refer to WordPress Formatting Date and Time Documentation for more information.

    [ post_modified_date id="123" date_format="F j, Y"]

    Can be use to display any post or page modified date on the page.


    id - ID of the post or page that you want to display. Defaults to "". (optional). If ID is empty, this will display the page/post description where this shortcode is used.

    date_format - Format the date to display. (optional). Defaults will be based on what is set on WordPress Settings. Please refer to WordPress Formatting Date and Time Documentation for more information.

    [ post_permalink id="123" title="Read more" target="_blank" class="" ]

    Display a normal button or modal button on the page


    id - ID of the post or page that you want to display. Defaults to "". (optional). If ID is empty, this will display the page/post description where this shortcode is used.

    title - Text that will display as the link text. Defaults to "". (optional). If leave empty, the text that will be display will be the permalink.

    target - Browser Tab where the link will open.  Values that can be use are _blank|_self|_parent|_top . (optional).

    class - Add class or classes to the link. (optional).

    [ post_featured_image id="123" return="img" size="post-thumbnail"]

    Display the post featured image image html or url


    id - ID of the post or page that you want to display. Defaults to "". (optional). If ID is empty, this will display the page/post featured image where this shortcode is used.

    return - Return output of the shortcode. Defaults to "img". (optional). If leave empty, the return value will be the WordPress Default img html format. Values must be img or url

    size - Size of the post image you want to display. Defaults to "full". (optional). Accepts any registered wordpress media size name like thumbnail, large, etc. Examples. size="medium"

    placeholder - The default placeholder image to display when there is no featured image fetch on the post. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be empty, avatar, or any image url. Examples. placeholder="avatar" to show theme default avatar placeholder image or define the image url like placeholder="" to show a custom placeholder image

    [ post_terms id="123" taxonomy="category" disable_html="off" separator=", ", class=""]

    Display the post taxonomy terms list on either html or text format.


    id - ID of the post or page that you want to display. Defaults to "". (optional). If ID is empty, this will display the page/post featured image where this shortcode is used.

    taxonomy - Specific post taxonomy name to list terms. Defaults to “category”. (optional). Value must must be a valid taxonomy of the post type. Example. If this is used on location single pages, you can use location_cat or location_tag

    disable_html - Display the information without html tags and container. Defaults to “no”. (optional). Value must be the yes or no

    separator - Character to display between each terms. This fields only works when html display is disabled. Defaults to “, “. (optional).  Value must be text string or use \n to display in the information in separate line.

    [ search-post pageid="360" type="" placeholder="Search..." search="product_name" label="Search Product" api="" country_code=""]

    Display Search form on the page. Please take note that this will only display the search form that will pass parameter name to a page. The page must be able to handle those parameters and their values.


    pageid - The page id where the search form values will be pass on.

    type - Specify the post type to search on.

    search - The search field parameter name that will appear on the page url. Please make sure that the page is able to handle the parameter name. (optional).

    placeholder – The placeholder will show on the Search field. (optional). Defaults to "Search…"

    label – The text will show on the search form button. (optional). Defaults to "Search"

    api - integrate an api to the search form. (optional). Current accepted API is google_maps_api only.

    country_code - Associative attribute for google_maps_api. (optional). Only put values on this if api value is google_maps_api

    [ next_post label="Next Story" taxonomy="category" data="title,image" layout="1"]

    Display the next post link of the current post. This shortcode can be used on any custom post type single pages.


    label - Text as label to display on the link. Defaults to "Next". (optional). You can set this value to false to remove the Label but the default value Next will show if there is no alternative data to show which can be set on show_data attribute. Values must be false or any String

    taxonomy - Show only related post to the specific post taxonomy. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must must be a valid taxonomy of the post type. Example. If this is used on location single pages, you can use location_cat or location_tag

    data - Show specific data of the post. Defaults to "". (optional). Values must be a comma separated of title, and or image.

    layout - Choose the next post navigation link layout. Defaults to "1". (optional). Value must be 1, 2, or 3. Where 1 - show image above of text content, 2 - show image left of text content, and 3 - show image right of text content.

    [ prev_post label="Prev Story" taxonomy="category" data="title,image" layout="1"]

    Display the previous post link of the current post. This shortcode can be used on any custom post type single pages.


    label - Text as label to display on the link. Defaults to "Previous". (optional). You can set this value to false to remove the Label but the default value Previous will show if there is no alternative data to show which can be set on show_data attribute. Values must be false or any String

    taxonomy - Show only related post to the specific post taxonomy. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must must be a valid taxonomy of the post type. Example. If this is used on location single pages, you can use location_cat or location_tag

    data - Show specific data of the post. Defaults to "". (optional). Values must be a comma separated of title, and or image.

    layout - Choose the next post navigation link layout. Defaults to "1". (optional). Value must be 1, 2, or 3. Where 1 - show image above of text content, 2 - show image left of text content, and 3 - show image right of text content.

    [ linked_posts type="user" role="member" linked_type="listing" display="image-above-content" theme="grey-section" meta="description,price,category"]

    Display Linked Post Listing Section. Two post type must have relationship to be able to display the listing section. See the Post Type Settings under Post Relationship to see which post type can be linked to it. Below are the post relationships available at the moment.

    • Location - can be link to (Post, Product, Team, Listing)
    • Member - can be link to (Post, Product, Team, Listing)

    Basic Parameters

    id - Display linked post of the specified post ID. (Optional on single page and member type, Required on non single pages). Only use this attribute to display specific post linked post listing. Example. If you want to display  related product listing of Melbourne Location with (123) ID on home page. You use id="123" type="location" linked_type="product"

    type - The post type of the single page where you use the shortcode to display the linked post listing. (Optional on Single Page). You can omit this attribute if you use this shortcode on a single page. This attribute default value is the single page post type. You can also provide the type value if you want to display other post to post relationship listing. This attribute is required if used on a page. You can also use user as value but you have to set role attribute to specify the user role that have relationship to post.

    linked_type - The linked post type of another post type or user that will be display for listing. (Optional). Defaults to "post". You can omit this attribute if you want to display post type post on a page or single page of another post type linked to the post.

    role - Use this attribute to specify the user role if the type is set to user. (Optional). Defaults to "member". You can omit this attribute if you want to display member linked post listing.


    1. To display member user linked directory listing post
      type="user" role="member" linked_type="listing"
    2. To display product listing linked to a location on a page or other post type single page
      type="location" linked_type="product"
    3. To display the linked team member on location single page

    Layout Parameters

    display - The layout display class. Defaults to content-only. (Optional). Value must be content-only, image-above-content, image-overlay-content, image-left-content split-25-75, image-left-content split-40-60, image-left-content split-50-50, image-left-content split-60-40, image-right-content split-25-75, image-right-content split-60-40, image-right-content split-50-50, image-right-content split-40-60, image-left-content then-right split-50-50, image-right-content then-left split-50-50.

    layout - The layout type class. Defaults to grid. (optional). Value must be grid, carousel.

    grid_layout - The grid layout type class. Add this if layout type is grid. Defaults to default-grid-layout. (optional). Value must be default-grid-layout, grid-layout-1, grid-layout-2, grid-layout-3.

    per_row - The number of column per row. Defaults to 3. (optional). Value must be from 1 - 6.

    autoplay - Enable carousel autoplay. Only use this if layout type is carousel. Defaults to 0. (optional). Value must be 0 or 1.

    slider_speed - Use this attribute if autoplay is enabled, this specify the speed of the carousel sliding speed in seconds. (optional). Defaults to 6.

    Heading Parameters

    heading - Text to display as Section Heading. Defaults to "". (Optional).

    sub_heading - Text to display as Section Sub Heading. Defaults to "". (Optional).

    Design Parameters

    element_width - The section grid container width. Defaults to default-width. (Optional). Value must be default-width, small-container, medium-container, large-container, row-fluid.

    alignment - Section text alignment. Defaults to default-alignment. (optional). Value must be default-alignment, text-left, text-right, text-center, text-justify.

    theme - The section background theme colour. Defaults to default-section. (optional). Value must be default-section, grey-section, dark-section, theme-section, second-theme-section.

    background - Background image of the listing section. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be the image url.

    classes - Add custom class to the section. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be a valid css class helper.

    id - Add ID to the listing section. Defaults to "". (optional).

    General Content Options Parameters

    meta - Meta Details or the content to display on the listing. Defaults to description,category,button. (Optional). Value must be a comma separated value depends on the following linked_type:

    1. post - Use date | author | category.
    2. listing - Use address | category | description | button | price
    3. product - Use category | description | button | price
    4. team - Use description | contact | button

    limit - The maximum number of post to show. Defaults to -1. (Optional). Value must be from -1 and above.

    categories - Display the list of post with specified categories. Defaults to "". (Optional). Value must be the valid category ids in comma separated values.

    Other Content Options Parameters Based on the linked_type

    Attribute linked_type Values Default Value
    text_to_display product, listing, team description, excerpt Note: For team, you can also use full to display full content description Note: For team, the default is full
    max_words product, listing, team Numerical value 25
    featured product, listing, post 1 or 0 0
    sale product 1 or 0 0
    status listing Must be a valid listing status. ''

    [ linked_posts_detail linked_type="location" display="image-above-content" theme="grey-section" meta="description,price,category"]

    Display post details section where the post is linked. Two post type must have relationship to be able to display this section. See the Post Type Settings under Post Relationship to see which post type can be linked to it. Below are the post relationships available at the moment.

    • Location - can be link to (Post, Product, Team, Listing)

    Members have Post Relationship but we will not list members to a single post page at the moment.

    Note: This shortcode can only be used on single page of post that have Post Relationship functionality.

    Basic Parameters

    linked_type - The post type where the post is linked into and what you want to display the details. (Optional). Defaults to "location" and only location can be accepted at the moment.

    Layout Parameters

    display - The layout display class. Defaults to content-only. (Optional). Value must be content-only, image-above-content, image-overlay-content, image-left-content split-25-75, image-left-content split-40-60, image-left-content split-50-50, image-left-content split-60-40, image-right-content split-25-75, image-right-content split-60-40, image-right-content split-50-50, image-right-content split-40-60, image-left-content then-right split-50-50, image-right-content then-left split-50-50.

    layout - The layout type class. Defaults to grid. (optional). Value must be grid, carousel.  For location you can also use map and accordion

    grid_layout - The grid layout type class. Add this if layout type is grid. Defaults to default-grid-layout. (optional). Value must be default-grid-layout, grid-layout-1, grid-layout-2, grid-layout-3.

    per_row - The number of column per row. Defaults to 3. (optional). Value must be from 1 - 6.

    autoplay - Enable carousel autoplay. Only use this if layout type is carousel. Defaults to 0. (optional). Value must be 0 or 1.

    slider_speed - Use this attribute if autoplay is enabled, this specify the speed of the carousel sliding speed in seconds. (optional). Defaults to 6.

    Heading Parameters

    heading - Text to display as Section Heading. Defaults to "". (Optional).

    sub_heading - Text to display as Section Sub Heading. Defaults to "". (Optional).

    Design Parameters

    element_width - The section grid container width. Defaults to default-width. (Optional). Value must be default-width, small-container, medium-container, large-container, row-fluid.

    alignment - Section text alignment. Defaults to default-alignment. (optional). Value must be default-alignment, text-left, text-right, text-center, text-justify.

    theme - The section background theme colour. Defaults to default-section. (optional). Value must be default-section, grey-section, dark-section, theme-section, second-theme-section.

    background - Background image of the listing section. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be the image url.

    classes - Add custom class to the section. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be a valid css class helper.

    id - Add ID to the listing section. Defaults to "". (optional).

    General Content Options Parameters

    meta - Meta Details or the content to display on the listing. Defaults to description,category,button. (Optional). Value must be a comma separated value depends on the following linked_type:

    1. location - Use categorydescription | contact | button

    limit - The maximum number of post to show. Defaults to -1. (Optional). Value must be from -1 and above.

    categories - Display the list of post with specified categories. Defaults to "". (Optional). Value must be the valid category ids in comma separated values.

    Other Content Options Parameters Based on the linked_type

    Attribute linked_type Values Default Value
    text_to_display location description, exceprt description
    max_words location Numerical value Note: You can use -1 to display full content 25

    [ term_title id="123" taxonomy="product_cat" first_word_only="0" prepend="Title: " append="..." ]

    Can be use to display any term title on the page.


    id - ID of the term that you want to display. Defaults to "". (optional but required if used on non term page). If ID is empty, this will display the current queried object title where this shortcode is used.

    taxonomy - the taxonomy name of the term you want to display. Defaults to "". (optional). Only required if the shortcode is used on non term page.

    first_word_only - Show only the first word of the title. Defaults to "false". (optional).

    append - Text to add on the end of the title. Defaults to "". (optional).

    prepend – Text to add on the beginning of the title. Defaults to “”. (optional).

    [ term_description id="123" ]

    Can be use to display any term description on the page.


    id - ID of the term that you want to display. Defaults to "". (optional but required if used on non term page). If ID is empty, this will display the current queried object title where this shortcode is used.

    taxonomy - the taxonomy name of the term you want to display. Defaults to "". (optional). Only required if the shortcode is used on non term page.

    use_main - This will display the main description of the term. Below are the taxonomy that currently have main description:

    1. product_cat
    2. directory_cat
    3. gallery_cat
    4. project_cat

  • Products

    Note: Product shortcodes requires Hicaliber Product plugin to be installed on Hicaliber Theme V2 platform before you can use any of the following shortcode:

    [ woo-cart ]

    Display Product Cart floating icon widget on the page. Please note that Cart must be enabled and configured as visible on Product Settings to display it.

    [ wishlist_shortcut ]

    Display Product Wishlist floating icon widget on the page. Please note that Wishlist must be enabled and configured as visible on Product Settings.

    [ wishlist ]

    Display the product saved on wishlist for mass product enquiry.

    [ product_download_files heading="Downloads %title% files" message="Login to download"]

    Display product download file list on the product single page.


    heading - The heading text to display above the download file list. Defaults to "Downloads %title% files". (Optional). You can leave specify heading="" to remove the Heading.

    message - Message to show on the downloadable files when it is not available non logged in users. Defaults to "", (optional).

    Note: Message will only show if product download file is restricted.

    classes - Add class on the list container "". (optional).

  • Site Logo

    [ footer_logo ]

    Display the site footer logo set under the Site Settings. Recommend to use on Footer Text Editor Column.

  • Sitemap

    [ sitemap type="location" title="Locations" style="1" order="post_title" ]

    Display page or post sitemap on the page.


    type - The sitemap post type to display. If no type specify, this will list page sitemap instead. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be the post type slug name or empty to display page.

    title - The title to display above the sitemap list. Defaults to "". (optional).

    style - Load sitemap with style, leave this if you want to display sitemap without style and have prepared styling. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be 1 or empty.

    exclude - Only use this attribute for page sitemap. This exclude page to be listed on the page. Use this for Thank page or Landing Pages. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be comma separated page ids (Example exclude="23,50"

    order - Change the order of posts/pages to display on the sitemap. Defaults to "post_title". (optional) . Value must be post_author, post_date, post_title, post_name, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, menu_order, post_parent, ID, rand, or comment_count.

  • Social Media

    [ social_media iconset="1" ]

    Display the social media links entered under the Site Settings


    iconset - Display the social media link with different icon set. Defaults to 1. (optional). Values from 1-3.

    custom - Display custom social media content. This will overlook site settings social media and use the specified social media attributes url value as the new content. Defaults to "off". (optional). Value must be on or off.

    facebook - This is Facebook custom URL. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be valid facebook URL.

    pinterest - This is Pinterest custom URL. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be valid pinterest URL.

    twitter - This is Twitter custom URL. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be valid twitter URL.

    linkedin - This is LinkedIn custom URL. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be valid LinkedIn URL.

    instagram - This is Instagram custom URL. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be valid Instagram URL.

    youtube - This is Youtube custom URL. custom attribute must be on to use this attribute. Defaults to "". (optional). Value must be valid Youtube URL.

  • Team

    [ team_social_media ]

    Display the social media links of the team. Use this shortcode only on Team single page and best to use on sidebar widget

  • Other

    [ today format="Y"]

    Display the current date. You can use this to display the current year, month or date


    format - Format the date to display. (optional). Defaults will be based on what is set on WordPress Date Format Setting. Please refer to WordPress Formatting Date and Time Documentation for more information.

    [ now format="g:i a"]

    Display the current time.


    format - Format the time to display. (optional). Defaults will be based on what is set on WordPress Time Format Setting. Please refer to WordPress Formatting Date and Time Documentation for more information.

  • Depreciated

    The following shortcode are deprecated, please refer to the new corresponding shortcode

    Deprecated Working Version Note
    [ hic_contact_info ] and [ contact-info ] [ contact_info ]
    [ hic_social_media ] and [ social-media ] [ social_media ]
    [ htw-map ] [ location_map ]
    [ post-title ] [ post_title ] first-word-only attribute was changed to first_word_only
    [ team-social-media ] [ team_social_media ]
    [ hic_footer_logo ] [ footer_logo ]
    [ select-post ] [ post_select_field ]
    [ hic_posts ] [ recent_posts ] post_per_page attribute was changed to limit
    [ modal ] [ button ]
    [ favourites ] [ wishlist ]
    [ hs_year ] [ today ]