
  • Boxes

    white-boxes - Makes the content box background white.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    grey-boxes - Makes the content box background grey.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    primary-theme-boxes - Makes the content box background as the primary theme colour.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    box-shadow - Render box shadow on the box.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    box-border - Display content box with border.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    image-above-content-for-medium - Change content box layout to image-above-content on tablet only.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field


    .white-boxes .hic-box {
      background-color: #fff;
      color: initial;
    .grey-boxes .hic-box {
      background-color: #f2f2f2;
      color: initial;
    .white-boxes .hic-content,
    .grey-boxes .hic-content {
      padding: 15px;
    .grey-boxes.image-above-content .hic-image,
    .white-boxes.image-above-content .hic-image{
      margin-bottom: 0;
    .box-shadow .hic-box {
      box-shadow: 4px 8px 12px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
    .box-border .hic-box {
      border: 1px solid #e9e9e9;
    @media (max-width: 640px){
      .grey-boxes.content-box-element:not(.image-overlay-content) .hic-image,
      .white-boxes.content-box-element:not(.image-overlay-content) .hic-image{
          margin-bottom: 0;
    @media (min-width: 641px) and (max-width: 1023px){
      .image-above-content-for-medium .hic-box {
        display: block !important;
      .image-above-content-for-medium .hic-image-container, 
      .image-above-content-for-medium .hic-content {
        width: 100% !important;
      .image-above-content-for-medium .hic-content {
        padding: 0 !important;
      .image-above-content-for-medium .hic-image{
        margin-bottom: 20px;

  • Columns

    two-col-for-medium - Forcibly change section body columns width two 50%.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    full-col-for-medium - Forcibly change section body columns width to full width.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field


    @media (min-width: 641px) and (max-width: 1023px){
      .two-col-for-medium .section-body .cell {
        width: 50% !important;
      .full-col-for-medium .section-body .cell {
        width: 100% !important;

  • Display

    block - Change any element display to block and make the width 100%.
    Usable on: Any Element


    .block {
        width: 100%;
        display: block;

  • Form

    inline-choices - Make a gravity form field checkbox and radio item inlined.
    Usable on: Gravity Form field

    clear-mask - Make a gravity form field a mask field removing the underline of the mask. You have to combine the following field mask helper class to force the a masking format:

    Field Mask Helper Class Description
    phone Force a 10 digit phone field masking format
    postcode Force a 4 digit postcode field masking format

    Usable on: Gravity Form field

    no-top-label - Hide gravity form field label. Make sure to add Placeholder on the field when using this.

    Usable on: Gravity Form field

    field-screensize-x - (Where screensize is small | medium | large and x is field width from 1 - 12). Change the width of field. Example field-medium-6 will make the field width in half starting from tablet to wide screen devices.
    Usable on: Gravity Form field


    .gfield.inline-choices ul li {
      display: inline-block;
      margin-right: 24px;
    .gform_wrapper .no-top-label .gfield_label {
      display: none;
    .gform_body .gform_fields{
      display: flex;
      flex-wrap: wrap;
      margin-left: -.5375rem;
      margin-right: -.5375rem;
    .gform_fields > .gfield {
      width: 100%;
      padding-left: .5375rem;
      padding-right: .5375rem;
    .gform_fields > .gfield.field-small-12 {
      width: 100%;
    .gform_fields > .gfield.field-small-11 {
      width: 91.66667%;
    .gform_fields > .gfield.field-small-10 {
      width: 83.33333%;
    .gform_fields > .gfield.field-small-9 {
      width: 75%;
    .gform_fields > .gfield.field-small-8 {
      width: 66.66667%;
    .gform_fields > .gfield.field-small-7 {
      width: 58.33333%;
    .gform_fields > .gfield.field-small-6 {
      width: 50%;
    .gform_fields > .gfield.field-small-5 {
      width: 41.66667%;
    .gform_fields > .gfield.field-small-4 {
      width: 33.33333%;
    .gform_fields > .gfield.field-small-3 {
      width: 25%;
    .gform_fields > .gfield.field-small-2 {
      width: 16.66667%;
    .gform_fields > .gfield.field-small-1 {
      width: 8.33333%;
    @media (min-width: 641px){
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-12 {
          width: 100%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-11 {
          width: 91.66667%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-10 {
          width: 83.33333%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-9 {
          width: 75%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-8 {
          width: 66.66667%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-7 {
          width: 58.33333%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-6 {
          width: 50%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-5 {
          width: 41.66667%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-4 {
          width: 33.33333%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-3 {
          width: 25%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-2 {
          width: 16.66667%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-1 {
          width: 8.33333%;
    @media (min-width: 1024px){
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-large-12 {
          width: 100%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-large-11 {
          width: 91.66667%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-large-10 {
          width: 83.33333%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-large-9 {
          width: 75%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-large-8 {
          width: 66.66667%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-large-7 {
          width: 58.33333%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-medium-6 {
          width: 50%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-large-5 {
          width: 41.66667%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-large-4 {
          width: 33.33333%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-large-3 {
          width: 25%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-large-2 {
          width: 16.66667%;
      .gform_fields > .gfield.field-large-1 {
          width: 8.33333%;

  • Height

    box-equal-height - Make hic-box container heights equal.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    content-equal-height - Make hic-content container heights equal, allowing content boxes content height the same.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    blurb-equal-height - Make hic-blurb container heights equal, allowing only the blurb height of the content box the same.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    title-equal-height - Make the title of each content boxes, equal.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

  • Hide / Show

    hidden or hide - hide anything that have this class.
    Usable on: Any Element

    hide-title or hide-titles - hide content box title or hic-title container.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    hide-blurb or hide-blurbs - hide content box blurb or hic-blurb container.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    button-hidden - hide button inside the section body container.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field


      display: none;
    .hide-title .hic-title, .hide-titles .hic-title, 
    .hide-blurb .hic-blurb, .hide-blurbs .hic-blurb, 
    .button-hidden .section-body .hic-button-wrap {
      display: none !important;

    Foundation Helper Classes

    show-for-small-only or hide-for-medium - Show the element on mobile devices only.
    Usable on: Any Element

    show-for-medium-only - Show the element on tablet devices only.
    Usable on: Any Element

    hide-for-medium-only - Hide the element on tablet devices and show on mobile and desktop
    Usable on: Any Element

    show-for-medium or hide-for-small-only - Show the element on any device except on mobile
    Usable on: Any Element

    hide-for-large or hide-for-large-only- Hide the element on desktop and show on both mobile and tablet.
    Usable on: Any Element

    show-for-large or show-for-large-only - Show the element on desktop only.
    Usable on: Any Element

    show-for-landscape - Show the element on landscape only.
    Usable on: Any Element

    show-for-portrait - Show the element on portrait only.
    Usable on: Any Element

  • Images

    Background Position:

    bp-top - makes the image background position on top.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    bp-right - makes the image background position on right.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    bp-bottom - makes the image background position on bottom.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    bp-left - makes the image background position on left.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    bp-top-left - makes the image background position on top left corner.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    bp-top-right - makes the image background position on top right corner.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    bp-top-center - makes the image background position on top and horizontally position to center.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    bp-bottom-right - makes the image background position on bottom right  corner.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    bp-bottom-left - makes the image background position on bottom left corner.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    bp-bottom-center - makes the image background position on bottom and horizontally position to center.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field


    .bp-top .bg-helper, .bp-top .hic-image {
      background-position: top;
    .bp-right .bg-helper, .bp-right .hic-image {
      background-position: right;
    .bp-bottom .bg-helper, .bp-right .hic-image {
      background-position: bottom;
    .bp-left .bg-helper, .bp-left .hic-image {
      background-position: left;
    .bp-top-left .bg-helper, .bp-top-left .hic-image {
      background-position: top left;
    .bp-top-center .bg-helper, .bp-top-center .hic-image {
      background-position: center top;
    .bp-top-right .bg-helper, .bp-top-right .hic-image {
      background-position: top right;
    .bp-bottom-left .bg-helper, .bp-bottom-left .hic-image {
      background-position: bottom left;
    .bp-bottom-center .bg-helper, .bp-bottom-center .hic-image {
      background-position: center bottom;
    .bp-bottom-right .bg-helper, .bp-bottom-right .hic-image {
      background-position: bottom right;

    Image Size and Shape:

    contain-images - Makes the content box images contain the background image, displaying the whole image in the box.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    square-images - Makes the content box images shape square on all device.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    landscape-images - Makes the content box images shape rectangle in landscape orientation.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    portrait-images - Makes the content box images shape rectangle in portrait orientation.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    long-portrait-images - Makes the content box images shape long rectangle in portrait orientation.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    round-images - Makes the content box images shape circle.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field


    .page-element.contain-images .hic-image,
    .sidebar-element.contain-images .hic-image {
      background-size: contain;
      background-position: center;
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
    .page-element.square-images .hic-image:before, .page-element.round-images .hic-image:before, .page-element.landscape-images .hic-image:before, .page-element.portrait-images .hic-image:before,
    .sidebar-element.square-images .hic-image:before, .sidebar-element.round-images .hic-image:before, .sidebar-element.landscape-images .hic-image:before, .sidebar-element.portrait-images .hic-image:before {
      content: "";
      width: 100%;
      height: auto;
      display: block;
    .page-element.square-images .hic-image:before, .page-element.round-images .hic-image:before, .hic-image::before,
    .sidebar-element.square-images .hic-image:before, .sidebar-element.round-images .hic-image:before, .hic-image::before {
      padding-top: 100%;
    .page-element.landscape-images .hic-image:before,
    .sidebar-element.landscape-images .hic-image:before {
      padding-top: 40%;
    .page-element.portrait-images .hic-image:before,
    .sidebar-element.portrait-images .hic-image:before {
      padding-top: 150%;
    .page-element.long-portrait-images .hic-image::before,
    .sidebar-element.long-portrait-images .hic-image::before {
      padding-top: 180%;
    .page-element.round-images .hic-image,
    .sidebar-element.round-images .hic-image {
      border-radius: 50%;


    greyscale-images - Makes the hic-image's render greyscale.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    whitescale-images - Makes the hic-image's render whitescale. This is best to use on PNG image that needs to be pure white when the container have background
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    flex-image-height - Makes the height of the content box image flexible, allowing the heights of the image equal to content. Use this on split type content box layout.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

  • Links

    disable-pointer - Disable the pointer events of all links <a>.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field, anchor tag


    .disable-pointer a, a.disable-pointer {
      pointer-events: none;

  • Lists

    inline-list - Make the list item inlined.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field, Unordered List Tag

    no-bullets or no-bullet - Remove the bullet list style.
    Usable on: Unordered List Tag

    checklist - Display the bullet list icon/style to . You can combine the following list helper class to change the checklist icon/style:

    Style List Class Helper

    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field, Unordered List Tag

    legal-content - Display list element with large 1 line space on each item. Recommended to use only on privacy policy and terms pages.
    Usable on: Page Custom CSS Classes field, Section CSS Classes field, List Tag

    closed-alpha - Display number ordered list with open and close parentheses.
    Usable on: Ordered List Tag


    .inline-list li, ul.inline-list li {
      display: inline-block;
    }, {
      list-style: none !important;
      margin-left: 0;
    ul.checklist, .page-element.checklist ul {
      margin-left: 0;
      position: relative;
      list-style: none;
    .checklist li, .page-element.checklist ul li {
      position: relative;
    .checklist > li:before, .page-element.checklist ul li:before {
      content: '\f00c';
      font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Pro';
      position: absolute;
      left: 0;
      top: 0;
    .checklist.times > li:before, .page-element.checklist.times ul li:before {
      content: '\f00d';
    .checklist.square > li:before, .page-element.checklist.square ul li:before {
      content: '\f14a';
    .checklist.round > li:before, .page-element.checklist.round ul li:before {
      content: '\f058';
    .checklist.angle-right > li:before, .page-element.checklist.angle-right ul li:before {
      content: '\f105';
    .checklist.double-angle-right > li:before, .page-element.checklist.double-angle-right ul li:before {
      content: '\f101';
    .checklist.chevron-right > li:before, .page-element.checklist.chevron-right ul li:before {
      content: '\f054';
    ol.steps-list li, .page-element.steps-list ol li {
      counter-increment: step-counter;
      list-style: none;
      position: relative;
    ol.steps-list li:before, .page-element.steps-list ol li:before {
      content: counter(step-counter);
      display: block;
      position: absolute;
    ol.steps-list li strong, .page-element.steps-list ol li strong {
      display: block;
    .legal-content li {
      margin-bottom: 1rem;
    ol.closed-alpha {
      list-style: none;
    ol.closed-alpha li {
      position: relative;
    ol.closed-alpha li::before {
      counter-increment: alpha;
      content: "("counter(alpha, lower-alpha) ") ";
      position: absolute;
      left: -32px;

  • Menu

    modal-menu - Makes a menu element target/open a modal element. Make sure to add the modal element id selector to make it work. Default will target #modal-elem-0
    Usable on: Menu item

    menu-button - Makes a menu item looks like a button
    Usable on: Header Menu item

    wloc-base-url - Prepend the base location to the anchor-based url. Use this on Location and Location Post pages only.
    Usable on: Menu item, and Anchor(a) tag


    .gfield.inline-choices ul li {
      display: inline-block;
      margin-right: 24px;

  • Page Element Header / Footer

    header-left - Position Page Element Header to left side of the section body
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    footer-left - Position Page Element Footer to left side of the section body. Use this together with header-left.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    top-right-footer - Position Page Element Footer to top right corner
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field


    @media (min-width: 1024px) {
      .header-left .grid-container {
        display: table;
        width: 100%;
        margin: 0 auto;
      .header-left .section-header, .footer-left .section-footer {
        float: left;
        width: 25%;
      .default-alignment.header-left .section-header, .default-alignment.footer-left .section-footer,
      .text-left.header-left .section-header, .text-left.footer-left .section-footer {
        text-align: left;
      .header-left .section-body {
        float: right;
        width: 75%;
    @media(min-width: 1024px) {
      .top-right-footer .section-footer {
            top: 14px;
  .section-header .cell {
            max-width: 750px;
            margin-left: 0;

  • Row / Container

    row-fluid - Make the section width full without padding and margin.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    small-row-fluid - Make the section width full without padding and margin on mobile device only.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    xsmall-container - Makes the section grid container maximum width to 700px
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    small-container - Makes the section grid container maximum width to 900px
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    medium-container - Makes the section grid container maximum width to 100px
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    large-container - Makes the section grid container maximum width to 1440px
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field


    .row-fluid .grid-container {
      max-width: 100% !important;
      padding-left: 0;
      padding-right: 0;
    .row-fluid .cell {
      padding: 0 !important;
    .full-width-layout .row-fluid .grid-container {
      padding-left: 0;
      padding-right: 0;
    .row-fluid .hic-box, .fluid .hic-box {
      margin: 0 !important;
    .default-width .xsmall-container .grid-container {
      max-width: 700px;
    .default-width .small-container .grid-container {
      max-width: 900px;
    .default-width .medium-container .grid-container {
      max-width: 1000px;
    .default-width .large-container .grid-container {
      max-width: 1440px;
    @media(max-width: 640px) {
      .small-row-fluid .grid-container {
        max-width: 100% !important;
        padding-left: 0;
        padding-right: 0;

  • Carousel

    show-carousel-dots - show the slider dots of any page element that display slider.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    hide-carousel-dots - hide the slider dots of any page element that display slider.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    hide-carousel-arrows - Hide the slider arrows of any page element that display slider.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    show-carousel-arrows - show the slider arrows of any page element that display slider.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    disable-carousel-for-large - Disable carousel on large screen, allowing to display page element with slider to display in grid layout
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    carousel-center-mode - Enable carousel center mode. The default center padding of the carousel is 25%. Adjust your styling if necessary.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    carousel-adaptive-height - Enable carousel center mode. The default center padding of the carousel is 25%. Adjust your styling if necessary.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    vertical-carousel- Make the carousel slide vertically
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    carousel-nav and carousel-for- Sync two content box carousel section. Note: Both section must be carousel and must have the same number of carousel item.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    disabled-carousel-infinite - Disable carousel infinite slides.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

  • Spacing


    padding-top-none - Make the top padding equals to 0
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    padding-bottom-none - Make the bottom padding equals to 0
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    pt-x - (where x = 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50). This will make the top padding equals to x value. Example: pt-10 will make the top padding equals to 10
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    pb-x - (where x = 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50). This will make the top padding attribute equals to x value. Example: pb-10 will make the top padding equals to 10
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    ptb-x - (where x = 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50). This will make the top and bottom padding equals to x value. Example: ptb-10 will make both top and bottom padding equals to 10
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    medium-pt-x - (where x = 60 | 80 100). This will make the top padding equals to x value from tablet to desktop. Example: medium-pt-100 will make the top padding equals to 100 from 641px media width
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    medium-pb-x - (where x = 60 | 80 100). This will make the bottom padding equals to x value from tablet to desktop. Example: medium-pb-100 will make the bottom padding equals to 100 from 641px media width
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field


    pt-0, padding-top-none, ptb-0 {padding-top: 0 !important;}
    pt-5, ptb-5 {padding-top: 5px !important;}
    pt-10, ptb-10 {padding-top: 10px !important;}
    pt-15, ptb-15 {padding-top: 15px !important;}
    pt-20, ptb-20 {padding-top: 20px !important;}
    pt-25, ptb-25 {padding-top: 25px !important;}
    pt-30, ptb-30 {padding-top: 30px !important;}
    pt-35, ptb-35 {padding-top: 35px !important;}
    pt-40, ptb-40 {padding-top: 40px !important;}
    pt-45, ptb-45 {padding-top: 45px !important;}
    pt-50, ptb-50 {padding-top: 50px !important;}
    pb-0, padding-bottom-none, ptb-0 {padding-bottom: 0 !important;}
    pb-5, ptb-5 {padding-bottom: 5px !important;}
    pb-10, ptb-10 {padding-bottom: 10px !important;}
    pb-15, ptb-15 {padding-bottom: 15px !important;}
    pb-20, ptb-20 {padding-bottom: 20px !important;}
    pb-25, ptb-25 {padding-bottom: 25px !important;}
    pb-30, ptb-30 {padding-bottom: 30px !important;}
    pb-35, ptb-35 {padding-bottom: 35px !important;}
    pb-40, ptb-40 {padding-bottom: 40px !important;}
    pb-45, ptb-45 {padding-bottom: 45px !important;}
    pb-50, ptb-50 {padding-bottom: 50px !important;}
    @media (min-width: 641px) {
      .medium-pt-60 { padding-top: 60px !important; }
      .medium-pt-80 { padding-top: 80px !important; }
      .medium-pt-100 { padding-top: 100px !important; }
      .medium-pb-60 { padding-bottom: 60px !important; }
      .medium-pb-80 { padding-bottom: 80px !important; }
      .medium-pb-100 { padding-bottom: 100px !important; }


    margin-top-none - Make the margin top equal to 0
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    margin-bottom-none - Make the margin bottom equal to 0
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    mt-x - (where x = 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50). This will make the top margin equals to x value. Example: mt-10 will make the top margin equals to 10 from 641px media width
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

    mb-x - (where x = 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50). This will make the bottom margin equals to x value. Example: mb-10 will make the top margin equals to 10 from 641px media width
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field


    .mt-0, .margin-top-none, .mtb-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; }
    .mt-5, .mtb-5 { margin-top: 5px !important; }
    .mt-10, .mtb-10 { margin-top: 10px !important; }
    .mt-15, .mtb-15 { margin-top: 15px !important; }
    .mt-20, .mtb-20 { margin-top: 20px !important; }
    .mt-25, .mtb-25 { margin-top: 25px !important; }
    .mt-30, .mtb-30 { margin-top: 30px !important; }
    .mt-35, .mtb-35 { margin-top: 35px !important; }
    .mt-40, .mtb-40 { margin-top: 40px !important; }
    .mt-45, .mtb-45 { margin-top: 45px !important; }
    .mt-50, .mtb-50 { margin-top: 50px !important; }
    .mb-0, .margin-bottom-none, .mtb-0 { margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
    .mb-5, .mtb-5 { margin-bottom: 5px !important; }
    .mb-10, .mtb-10 { margin-bottom: 10px !important; }
    .mb-15, .mtb-15 { margin-bottom: 15px !important; }
    .mb-20, .mtb-20 { margin-bottom: 20px !important; }
    .mb-25, .mtb-25 { margin-bottom: 25px !important; }
    .mb-30, .mtb-30 { margin-bottom: 30px !important; }
    .mb-35, .mtb-35 { margin-bottom: 35px !important; }
    .mb-40, .mtb-40 { margin-bottom: 40px !important; }
    .mb-45, .mtb-45 { margin-bottom: 45px !important; }
    .mb-50, .mtb-50 { margin-bottom: 50px !important; }


    small-spacing - Makes the cell spacing small, generating only 15px space between each cell.
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field


    .page-element.grid.small-spacing .cell,
    .sidebar-element.grid.small-spacing .cell {
      margin-bottom: 15px;
    @media (min-width: 1024px) {
      .page-element.small-spacing .grid-padding-x, 
      .page-element.small-spacing .grid-padding-x>.cell,
      .page-element.small-spacing .grid-padding-x .slick-track > .cell,
      .sidebar-element.small-spacing .grid-padding-x, 
      .sidebar-element.small-spacing .grid-padding-x>.cell,
      .sidebar-element.small-spacing .grid-padding-x .slick-track > .cell{
        padding-left: 7.5px;
        padding-right: 7.5px;

  • Typography

    uppercase - transfrom text to all capital letters.
    Usable on: Any Text or Text Container Element

    lowercase - transfrom text to all small letters.
    Usable on: Any Text or Text Container Element

    pre-line - Make text white-spaces pre-lined.
    Usable on: Any Text or Text Container Element

    light-text or light-font - Make the text font weight = 300
    Usable on: Any Text or Text Container Element

    lead - Make the text stands out and show as lead text. You may need to add more styling depending on the website design. This helper may be differ on the selected theme
    Usable on: Any Text or Text Container Element

    white-titles - Change content boxes title color to white
    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field, Content Box CSS field

    h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 - Makes the text styling the same as the corresponding heading element. This may differ on the selected theme. You might also need to adjust this on child stylesheet if needed.
    Usable on: Any Text Element


    .uppercase {
      text-transform: uppercase !important;
    .lowercase {
      text-transform: lowercase;
    .pre-line {
      white-space: pre-line;
    .light-text, .light-font {
      font-weight: 300 !important;
    .white-titles .hic-title h3 {
      color: #fff !important;

  • Other

    stick-to-top - Make an element stick to the top page or below the sticky header once the element reached the top/sticky header on scroll. Below are the similar helper

    stick-to-top-for-small-only - Stick only for mobiles.

    stick-to-top-for-medium - Stick only for tablet and desktop

    stick-to-top-for-medium-only - Stick only for tablet

    stick-to-top-for-large - Stick only for desktop

    Usable on: Section CSS Classes field

  • Deprecated

    The following helper class are deprecated, please refer to the new corresponding helper class

    Deprecated Working Version Note
    disable-slider-for-large disable-carousel-for-large
    slider-center-mode carousel-center-mode
    show-slider-dots show-carousel-dots
    hide-slider-arrows hide-carousel-arrows
    slider-adaptive-height carousel-adaptive-height
    hic-pricing-table box-equal-height
    box-equal-height content-equal-height
    horizontal inline-list
    field-left field-medium-6
    field-right field-medium-6

Responsive - Media Sizes

Mobile no media
Mobile Only – max-width: 640px
Mobile and Tablet Only – max-width: 1023px
Tablet & Mobile Landscape – min-width: 641px
Tablet Only – min-width: 641px and max-width: 1023px
Small Desktop – min-width: 1024px
Desktop – min-width: 1280px
Desktop – min-width: 1360px (sometimes)
Large Desktop – min-width: 1600px